5,000 Pre-Arrival Processing System (P.A.P.S) Barcode Labels - VIA EMAIL ONLY PDF

US Customs barcode labels required on invoice & manifest (sequentially number for each shipment) for anyone or any company importing commercial goods into the US.

The Pre-Arrival Processing System (PAPS) is a U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection border cargo release mechanism that utilizes barcode technology to expedite the release of commercial shipments while still processing each shipment through Border Cargo Selectivity (BCS) and the Automated Targeting System (ATS). Each PAPS shipment requires a unique barcode label, which the carrier attaches to the invoice and the truck manifest while the merchandise is still in Canada. This information is then sent ahead to the Customs broker in the U.S., who prepares a BCS entry in the Automated Carrier System (ACS).

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