1,000 Pre-Arrival Review System (P.A.R.S) Barcode Labels - VIA EMAIL ONLY PDF

The Pre-Arrival Review System (PARS) is a bar coded label system used to expedite the clearance of goods into Canada. The labels are sequentially numbered. One label is required for each transaction at the Canadian border. These labels are in a Canada Border Services Agency approved format.

PARS processes release information before a shipment arrives, speeding up the release or referral process when the carrier arrives. PARS can process goods that require permits or certificates. Up to 30 days before the goods arrive in Canada, importers or their agents submit release documents to the Customs Broker (CB) that will clear the goods. The CB processes the documents and sends the to Canada Customs the further processes the documents the enters a recommendation. When the shipment arrives, the Customs officer checks all the original invoices from the carrier or warehouse operator, and uses the bar-coded cargo control number on the invoices to get access to the recommendation and also to determine whether or not the shipment can be released.


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